Wednesday, April 8
My sister and I had to drive to our dad’s house in northfield to pick up his mail and send it out to him in California. The weather was it’s usual Chicago spring, the sky flickering between a bright Tiffany blue and a dark stormy gray. Coming from Des Plaines, I could see the normal bustle of people in the streets: kids playing, people biking, senior citizens hobbling alone. As we were driving closer and closer to my dads house all of a sudden a flood of people were on the streets. There was an overwhelming amount even though they were all fairly spaced out. I wasn’t used to seeing the small town of Northfield crowded with people on the streets. In a sense I am thankful for the disease bringing back life into the streets. The large amount of people being seen out in the open the small town of 1000 people felt like it was so much more. There were so many faces I’ve never seen before, not even at the grocery store or the local church, the world felt like it expanded. In the sky you can see the sun fade from Miss Bright sapphire blue into a blazing orange pink and it seemed out of the sky you could see the sun fade from its bright sapphire blue into a blazing orange pink and it seemed otherworldly. Laughter, warm sun, and the buzz of the town had this gravitational pull and I wanted to lay in my yard and stay in that moment. Self isolation, but not. We were all together, but separate, going through this time together. We all were in the same world, yet each if still has our own story to tell.